Saturday, February 23, 2008

really wanted to blog about lots of stuff for the past week, but I forgot what am I suppose to write the moment I sign in to blogger. LOL!

let me try to recall..

Dad can never be a philosopher
Whenever dad gets grumpy, his dramatic emotions are spewing all over the place, as if he is always right. Then, his super-duper memory will just began recollecting all the "sins" of the past and start listing them out one by one. (yea.. talk about precision memory) Subsequently, all the arguments will either be flawed or fallacious, or worse still, becomes VERY SLIPPERY (absolutely frictionless!) All I can do was to stand, stare and nod, tell myself that I will find a better time to talk to him when he comes to his senses.

Though I'm eighteen already, I think I'm still to dependent/reliant on my parents. They simply decide everything for me and I don't seem to have a problem with that. Most teens out there will be craving for some freedom and let it all out, but I will seriously sit and stone at home. People like Reg, parents don't even care if she returns home and 11 for mugging!! For my case, I have to give them a "thesis-long" explanation to them and requires some sort of "approval"?! Sometimes, I think my parents are too free? And that is why they have so much time to care about this and that.

I think organising this is really tiring? It seems that the teachers are deciding TOO much for the committee! We must have this, this, this and this... So there is no point in being too creative when they want the simplest design. Even Estella finds the posters a bit plain, but she can't do much since she is under Ms C's control. My sympathy goes out to Jamie as I know that she has lots of potential when it comes to designing these stuff, but the teachers are not taking her work and kind of rejecting it all the time. I think this is really demoralising given that Jamie has to put in quite a lot of effort to this while juggling with all the German papers and Danceworkz stuff.

Today's SMU training was rather dry, despite Edmund's effort to spice things up once in a while. I think Sheryl is really inexperienced in this type of work. She didn't even introduce herself to us when the breakout session started! Dude, that is PR101?! Then the case study given was too governance-related, rather than business-related. Hardly have anything to do with driving up profits by increasing sales or lowering production costs. There isn't much dilemmas to resolve as everyone agreed on the same set of solution, which is obviously developing Bali into an nature tourism! I don't think we need a group of JC students to do that, even a secondary school student can think of such solutions.

US Politics
It seems that Obama is really doing great and seems to be the democrat representative. Of course, my vote goes to him too! haha. I think his policies will really turn America around and people will trust that his humble backgrounds will make a difference in his term of presidency. Environmentalism, tax cuts, ending the occupation in Iraq will really be a radical change for America and I think it will work out under the leadership of such a charismatic and visionary person.

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