Monday, April 28, 2008

Perspectives part 2

NJC leadership symposium

This is the second time that I'm organising this "apex of NJC's leadership development programme". As the Publicity Head, there are TONNES of work to settle before the actual event itself. I've learnt a lot more about leadership, not so much in business, but rather leading a group of people, managing them and fitting them into the correct positions so that their strengths can complement each other. Things turned out to be pretty good, especially with Dr Lim micromanaging a lot of stuff for me as well. Kudos to her.

However, there are lots of places where we can improve on. One of the greatest weakness of the org comm is that there are TOO MANY PEOPLE!!! we are overstaffed! call this x-inefficiency or bureaucracy at work.

At the end of the day, the sake sushi treat just made it all worth while. It is a really rare opportunity for sapphires people to mix with councillors. I discovered that Junyang, Edmund, Aloysius and Xinglong are pretty humourous people, even though they might look geeky from the front!


Writing this essay really makes me feel impressed of Lee Kuan Yew and Co. It took me like 1 whole week to think of a vision for singapore 2013, and LKY & Co. had their vision for singapore for about 30-40 years wayyy back in 1960. Consider that there is no such thing as Internet back then. Where are you going to get all the info in the world???

Enough for now... I had deeper thoughts about things that happened and observed recently... trying very hard to understand these inner emotions...

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