Friday, September 12, 2008

Some midnight rambling after prelims

Prelims are officially O-V-E-R. I know a big "yay" should be following after this, but I have no idea why am I not saying it "yay". It should mean one of the deepest sense of relief/enjoyment/excitement but yet I have NO IDEA how am I going to celebrate at all. And worse so, I have no one to celebrate with. That's a double dosage of loneliness and lack-of-direction-in-life that makes life pretty... boring.

A boring life.

What should we do about it? Inject humour, hang out with friends, do something adventurous, do something crazy etc. It's easy to list out the options, but I seem to be restricting myself and reducing all these options to scrap. Inject humour, right. HA-HA-HA. That's all! Short-lived. Do something adventurous... most probably OBS-related stuff. But OBS is in Ubin. Do something crazy... well, I'm not going to say "I'm a pervert" in the middle of Orchard road, somewhat conservative of me. Hang out with friends. Unfortunately, my complex brain and pre-dispositions have taught me that many of my friendships right now are going to be really transient. Who knows, 5 years down the road, I won't recall or keep in contact with them. I am seriously regreting my "foreign policy" (i.e. relationship management) is pretty lousy for the past 4 years. I have 3 CCAs and 1 class. But when it comes to close friends, I don't think I can even list one or two. Extrapolating, one can imagine how many friend-friends that I have, perhaps more of acquaintances.

Perhaps it's time to let God "take the credit" and let him be in charge (well, I should be letting him take charge since I belief in God) of my life. I really need to understand what is happiness and what I should do to get it. I guess it's really time to surrender life to destiny/fate/divine being with so much uncertainties and so many queries that is beyond the faculties of reasoning of a human being.

Talking about future, there has been lots of concerns over Uni education lately. But why not, it's really time to plan ahead and really think about what you want in life and how you want to pursue it. Another question that comes into debate is whether we are going overseas or staying in Singapore for uni education. Given the choice, I guess around half of the cohort will want to get themselves out of this (sickening)place. Singapore is not a bad place, it never was. We have multicultures, racial harmony, economic prosperity (in relative terms), efficient albeit "autocratic" government and last but not least, the kiasuism that has been pushing us up the ranks for the past 40 years. Then the equation doesn't fit! How can the puzzle not be solved when every piece of the puzzle is in place? Well, the problem may well lie in the solution itself. To compete with other financial metropolis, we have become so competitive and fast-paced, so much so that we beginning to show signs of fatigue. People are tired of such hectic lifestyles even when the government tries to do whatever they can to spice up the our lives (e.g. develop arts, F1, clarke quay etc.). And as rational people, we look for alternates (i.e. the greener pastures), US, UK and even CHINA to a certain extent.

Talking about slack life of westerners, sometimes I seriously doubt how good westerners can be. Look at SATs, look at GCSE ... the standards are appalling! These are not going to prepare them for a globally competitive world for goodness sake. And don't blame governments for not protecting your rice bowls. Look at the French, apart from the comparative advantage in winery, good food and airbus consortium, they have hardly anything which they are famous for. When new labour laws are passed that reduces job security, the kids go on strike and protest. A minimum 35 hours a week is seriously piece of cake, average 7 hours per workday, e.g. 9am to 5pm (+1 hour lunch). Look at our guys in CBD area munching down their lunches within 15 minutes, working 24/7 and threatens to be fired when they are not up to task such that we remain in the constant state of fear. But if you compare the real wages, it's a world of difference. They have everything subsidised, rebates, co-payments etc. while we face imported inflation, tariff barriers, non-tarriff barriers and the constant state of fear. Where did all the justice go? This is blatantly unfair.

Conventional economics wisdom tells us that it is time for some aggregate supply management policy, more particularly, retraining and revamping of education systems. John McCain is somewhat insane: continue with the 3 trillion dollar war, tonnes of tax cuts, retraining programmes etc. WHERE ON EARTH ARE YOU GETTING THE MONEY. Unless you send Tom Cruise in an impossible mission to rob the Chinese Central Bank, not even a tonne of treasury bills is enough to cover your spending. To top that up, consider the 100 billion for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and another 85 billion for AIG. You guys better pray for a hurricane that will blow money to your shores.

That's all for now... praying for... everything. haha.

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